
2020,Performance Art,30min,《Disorientation Harmony - 2020 ArTrend International Performance Art Festival》,182artspace ,Tainan,Taiwan, R.O.C

We are so far apart and unrelated, but maybe we are actually connected to each other, like ~conjunctions that link the logic between different sentences.

The artist wears white clothes and holds a pile of white clothes in her hands and walks in the pure white space. The white textile is pierced with thin needles and the hanging red threads, and attached to the surrounding walls. The artist walks toward to audiences and puts the white clothes on one audience, and then puts the white clothes on another audience with the first audience.

On the audience, white clothes bind their bodies and hands, they are connected and intertwined with each other like an elegant dance, and sometimes like they are trapped in a complicated relationship.



Exhibition曾參展 :
《 Disorientation Harmony - 2020 ArTrend International Performance Art Festival》 →
阿川行為群 ArTrend Performance Group →
